Sunday, May 25, 2008


Summer is almost over and i have not been writing lately. I was busy with a lot of other things. Not just myself and work but for my little boy. Kyle is just 5 years old but i was already overwhelmed with his summer activities. I remember, when i was his age, i was just at home solving puzzles and reading books. No tv that time,it was only when i was 7 years old that summer became fun and exciting. I met new friends through summer bible study but i was never a Santacruzan queen or princess, i wonder why (laughing out loud). Anyways, this time, it's way much different for my son.

There's summer camp,summer sports training,voice and musical instrument lessons, stop.. my head starts to ache, trying to figure out what's best for my son or what fits my budget? Well,i did not chose any of it. I need to be practical. I enrolled him in McDonald's Kiddie Crew Workshop. It was just for 5 days but he was complaining almost everyday. " Mom,it's hard to work, do i get a salary?" ha,ha,ha! They don't get cash of course but every after duty, Kiddie Crews get to enjoy a McDonald Meal.

My son is the yougest of the last batch. I'm proud he is not the shy type and loves to deliver food to customer's table with the baby voice saying " enjoy your meal! " followed by a McSmile. During their closing ceremonies, they were given certificate,awards, party bags and toys as freebies. The P500 registration probably goes to their uniform,a kiddie Crew neon cap, bag and shirt. Not bad.

But what else made me busy whole summer? I rememeber, i was sorting out things. School will open soon and i was looking for things from annual school supplies list that can be recycled. I was also stealing some time, after buying groceries, looking for sale items like clothing and school bag for my son. I only purchase products that are 50% off.Having old or new things, it doesn't matter, I need to save money.

And of course...never ending work. I need to contibue earning because the registration, bus fare and school tuition fees is already twice the price compare to last year's rate. My son would be attending the whole day program because it's his last year in kindergarten.I also realize, i must make every dinner really special because we won't be eating breakfast and lunch together anymore, he will be in school whole day while i work at home.

So, how's MY SUMMER? No summer vacation,no time for beach hopping even a dip at the clubhouse pool. Birthday spend with no party plans either but a surprise mango cake and crispy chicken from my family was enough to end the day confused, because i'm getting older, ha,ha,ha, but thankful...i'm still here,still breathing and fighting but my favorite of all, loving...

Summer is suppose to be fun and i'm lucky for the chance to be with my son all year round.