Friday, April 18, 2008


The secret to change is to start with ourselves. I blame myself for a long time, for a lot of things i can't change. Maybe i have not done enough or maybe something is wrong with me.Years of emotional and psychological suffering made me believe that i can't have good dreams anymore,that it is not going to happen anyway.The only factor that keeps me going is holding on to a power that no one or nothing can measure up,FAITH.

Indeed,it's no longer realizing dreams but receiving blessings that i considered miracles.It seems impossible but it's there, gifts that, i don't know if i deserve them because I was hopeless all the time,my so called faith was weak. I know, i don't carry a heart of stone,even with faith, i still get hurt,bruised and broken. I can't change people around me,those who can't be satisfied,easy to anger,fast to judge,has no time to share,indifferent and those who can't seem to realize they are abusing even their lovedones is too heavy for a human heart to bear. We should not be use or thrown like just any material thing that can be bought and own. We are priceless even if we can't change the world. Our hope is, we can change ourselves.

A humble spirit is strong enough to withstand the tests of times. Just continue loving, praying, working and being grateful with what you already have. No one can destroy the goodness and generosity of God, so no one can stop you to be happy for as long as you want. And when we change into what we deserve, it's like others have change as well.

God works if you begin to change.I am wonderfully transform into His best creation.