Friday, March 28, 2008

The Art Of Relaxation

All work and no play will take the joy of life away.

How nice to recall being a child with no worries about tomorrow. All children think of, is the joy found in playing. When my mom died, i was only 8 years old, it was very difficult because i became so sensitive. I remember so many crying episode. Always afraid of anything new.

High school is much worse because i struggle with anorexia everytime i can't handle girl's aggression. College pressure also made me suffer pre-mentrual syndrome, so i was in and out of the hospital. I also lose so much weight when i started working in a hotel office because of lack of sleep. It's hard to adjust to change schedules.

When i got married and became a mom,it was a total of everything that i can do to sacrifice for my own needs. It took awhile to be able to balance my time by also working at home and not just being a full time mom.

My son can't sleep without me by his side but at the end of the day,that's the only time i have for myself not to relax but to work online. When the house is clean,meals cooked,dishes and laundry washed,put my son to bed,it's the time i face the computer.

I'm tired and sleepy but i love this job. Everyday is a learning experience,besides i take breaks by chating with other moms and i become so awake.Talking about our apprehensions will help us see perspective that can guide us with our decisions.Girl friends makes the world a brighter place. Poor connection makes me cry sometimes. I am disappointed everytime i can't meet a deadline. But overall working online keeps me sane and sorted out.

Early in the morning i realy hate to scream but if i won't be firm, my son would have missed school often. But before he leaves we give each other a hug and a constant reminder to pray for safety when he is riding the bus. I worry when i'm not with him sometimes but when my son is not around that's the only time i enjoy peace and quiet,take a long hot bath,chew breakfast slowly,polish my nails and read a book.

I think as i grew older, i am more insisting to keep peace with my soul. It's not easy to be home with my son but we share many comforting moments. He shares jokes,anything he can think of to make me laugh. He updates me about additional knowledge he gain with his interests. He cares for me,so i better smile most of the time because it makes him happy,too.We say sorry to each other if one of us makes mistakes. Forgiveness sets you free. Anger is a heavy load to bear. It can be difficult to control, that's why health is not just for the body but the mind and spirit as well.

Let's not be hard on ourselves, we can have a little treat here and there. Sitting quiet in the garden or an hour at the spa when we need to go out like pay the bills and buy groceries. We function at our best if we believe we deserve time for rest. If we find ways to refresh ourselves by doing what we love and taking new challenges one at a time. We become a new person everytime we accomplish things that enhance our skills. But it's also very important to renew our faith. A daily reflection is a wonderful guide and making a journal even if it makes you cry will bring a sense of relief by acknowledging the goodness in ife.

Slow down, enjoy the little things life bring. The beauty of the morning glory flower at sunrise. The restful scenery of sunset. A child's laughter. A soft kiss. A warm hand to hold. Precious moments to find peace and serenity.

What else can i ask for?