Thursday, March 13, 2008

Letter to a Young Mistress

You badly need spiritual guidance from your family and as a Filipino citizen know what is against the law. Do not involve yourself in a psychological war, broaden your mind and analyze the problem.

RA9262 .Anti-Violence Against Women and Children.The psychological and emotional suffering, harm, pain and harassment done by the mistress to the legal wife and son,deprivation of rights and mental infidelity is against the law.

Violence is not a private matter. Victims should be supported by family and friends, but because it is a crime, it is subject to public scrutiny. A woman should love and value herself. She could be a complete person even without a man in her life. What matters most , is her courage to stand for her rights and to be be free from violence. Anyone can belong to a family even without a father. Quantity does not make a family. What is important is love, respect and commitment. The legal family should be treated with respect and dignity.

Did you decide to be in a complicated relationship just for fun?

Do not threaten me that i will lose a husband and my son will lose a father if we will stand for our rights. Love does not stand still, it either grows or dies. I know my worth. It's the other way around. I am fighting for my son's psycholgical, emotional and financial needs. I am going after a quality life as opposed to security. This is not about, if the money is right, but doing what is right, for my family.

I thank God, for all the great blessings and all the good things He has done for me. I hope it's not too late for you to live a peaceful life that i have been fighting for all these years.If you came from a broken family it is not a valid reason to wreck ours. You can be a complete person by knowing your worth. You are still young and you can have God's best depends upon your choices.

Accept and respect our rights to rebuild our lives.