Saturday, March 22, 2008


I love to read books but bestsellers are expensive. After the famous “Purpose Driven Life” comes a new talk about life changing book, “Your Best Life Now” by Joel Osteen,and it costs P435 at the National Bookstore. On my birthday, I promise I will buy it, as a gift to my inner self that badly needs to refresh.

Getting information online is faster and cheap but I still can’t get enough. It’s complicated for low-tech, I'm like a child, still learning how to explore the cyber world. Since I was little, my dad reads the daily paper and sets aside the fun pages for me. I also outgrown pre-school coloring books and fairy tales and move on to Sweet Dreams and Danielle Steel novels during my teen years. Yet none of the male characters has come alive for me. In college, all the boys seems blind.

Finals drove me crazy and force me to check-in at the nearest hospital after I passed my thesis because i was having difficulty in breathing and palpitations. Yet “Sexism in Language” got a fair grade.

While transferring from one office work to another, I started to love collecting magazines and I was contributing articles not for paycheck but for freebies only. Reading and writing keeps me sane. I studied “Freelance Journalism “ but I was destructed by the idea of being an entrepreneur and change direction into Floral, Candle and Interior Design business.This time still not for a stable payroll or successful sales. Instead i chose to join competitions and offer free services to family and friends. But I was happy.

A subscription of “Mission Magazine” open doors inside a dusty and dark space of my soul that i had denied for long time. I wanted to be a hopeful presence for the large number of poor children all over the world. Yet it did not happen, I was holding a “Bridal Magazine” instead. Not all brides get to experience their dream wedding; mine was the simplest and most practical event. I just borrowed my gown, enjoy and feel good on it for a few hours nothing to be passed on my daughter if I will have one. Lucky I have a son.

Having him is the reason I began to look forward to monthly issues of “Moms and Babies”. It was helpful since my mom wasn’t around to help me; I managed six years of parenting and still learning. Being a stay at home mom is tough, a “ Survival Guide” reminds me to be accepting and grow at the same time but in silence I hear myself becoming tired, weary and sad.

Scholarships for home-based work, starts to give me sparks of hope. Medical Transcription and English Proficiency courses were offered by the President for free. U. S. companies and foreign buyers are outsourcing jobs to poor countries, because they pay less for our services, it's still a good news for home bodies. Savings on daily expenses like fare,make-up,uniform,stockings and shoes when you need to go out and report to the office instead in the comfort of your own home.

Six years of Google and Yahoo Search seems hopeless but thank God for "Women Power", helping each other survive and find a better life. In "Female Network" an online job discussion had change lives. More and more women are being hired simply because of a Filipina with a kind heart who started it all and guide others how to work at home and earn as much as you can manage. 43,000 providers only 3,000 jobs available in "Odesk" at present, it did not make her think twice to help others. She is now blessed with 5 projects all at the same time but she never stop being a mom, a wife, a friend and an inspiration to all who were lost for awhile but now has come full circle for having a job.

After a hard day with house chores or when my son asks why I have to stay in front of my laptop and not sleep with him in bed just to beat a deadline at work, i want to know if spending less time with him is teaching him independence or neglect. Will an hour of my warm embrace enough before he wakes up and left for school? An advice from a pocket plan " How To Really Love Your Child" is to have eye contact,physical contact,focused attention and discipline. And the foundation is unconditional love. Moms are nurturing, organized and disciplined to be able to manage multi-tasking just like the opportunities and possibilities of a job online.

Experience is the best education, it doesn’t matter how the world look at you but it's how you smile at yourself every time you do something right. But we get valuable lessons from our mistakes,too. My son is like a magic mirror and I become beautiful in his eyes. I learn that’s what love can do. And in pain and letting go, I learn to stand alone, held my head up high and not cry. It’s how you see life that makes all the difference.

My son’s choices of books are all about animals, I wonder what is in store for a nature smart kid. A future veterinarian, a zookeeper or a marine biologist. I can’t guess, it’s for him to discover and enjoy life, as much as I did, even if, I’m a Jill of all trades expert of none.

If reading and writing helps us teach others to be fully aware of what is essential in life. Indulge, hop in, welcome to a world where you have the privilege to motivate and inspire others to respect life. It's worth living because we are only passing by.

I learn to be thankful to the one greater than us or than any success because it's the only moment i become satisfied. The only answer that i have been looking for since i was a child. He promise us a place where there is no sorrow,fear and pain and i am looking forward to that.