Friday, March 7, 2008


My mom got pregnant few months after her wedding day. My parents did not follow any techniques for an accurate sex selection of their future baby or discuss wanting a boy or a girl, I was simply born out of love and they just believe I was a gift.

Their firstborn child was a girl. My first memory as a child is reading a pink fairy tale book. I don't remember my mom reading it to me but I can recall I am pretending I know how to read the story while holding the book. The truth is I already memorize it. I have probably learned the tale from start to end by imitation.

It was a fictional story filled with fantasy characters and enchantments. It took place "once upon a time" and it was blessed with "a happy ending". If my mom considered my interests, why did she choose a fairy tale book? I wonder if my dad bought the book as a gift and my mom used it for bedtime story. I could no longer ask them now, they both died of cancer. Probably, they think of their daughter as their "little princess" or do I feel like one then?

The fairy tale book I am talking about is "Sleeping Beauty". The princess in the story is "Princess Aurora". She was named after the Roman Goddess of Dawn because she fills her parent’s lives with sunshine. Was I a sunshine in my parent’s lives, too? Can I connect fantasy to reality?

To continue the story of Sleeping Beauty, during Princess Aurora's christening, her fairy godmothers blessed her with gifts but the Mistress of Evil gave her a curse. She was already given beauty and marvelous voice, so instead of dying on her 16th birthday, the fairy godmother that has not yet bless her, use the gift to weaken the curse. Princess Aurora will just fall asleep until she is awakened by first love's kiss.

Fantasy uses magic while reality is what actually exists. A princess is traditionally describe as meant to marry a prince, gentle, refine, elegant and beautiful but in modern times the term "princess" can be used for the vain, spoiled, rich and famous. I was not any of that.

Nowadays, fantasy books are no longer recommended for children instead they develop skills for practical life. Do-it-yourself activities are now practice in schools and encourage in homes. The early the child is exposed to reality, the early he or she is able to adapt with his environment. To explore a child to everything observable and comprehensible is the key to future success.

I don't blame my parents for exposing me to fantasy and protecting me from the real world. I am thankful of how they raised and supported me until their last breath, because it made me the woman that i am today. If “Princess Aurora” is like a damsel in distress and requires a hero to dash to her rescue because she is sleeping, fragile and helpless. Am I?

From my daydreams, when I was a little girl, of a certain man that I would love someday, to a woman that I am today, who does her best to adapt to the realities of a modern world. I think, I’m on my own. Prince Philip does not exist in my world. I am responsible for my own happiness.

In Sleeping Beauty, Princess Aurora was arranged to marry Prince Philip. The fairy godmothers asked Prince Philip's help to save Princess Aurora from the Mistress of Evil who turned into a dragon. Prince Philip’s Shield of Virtue protected him from the dragon's blazing fire and the Sword of Truth was plunged into the dragon's heart and killing her. Prince Philip then climbed into Princess Aurora's chamber and broke the curse with a kiss. They danced waltz and were happy that they were really meant for each other.

Feminist criticism studies the repression of women in fiction. It's a type of literary criticism that studies and advocates the rights of women. Traditionally, women who becomes "homemaker", describe as one who manage the family is what the society used to think of women's future. Get married, have children,takes care of family and house chores. It is part of our culture and values that women must find satisfaction at home. Even in fiction our roles has not change.

Things have change in reality; modern women have access to careers. It is our right to think of our future, plan and get an education to accomplish goals. Our horizon is now broaden and our identities are altered not just to manage a family and bear children but we can also decide to achieve success in any fields of activity even without needing a man to realize it. Others find it sad but those who chose a different life believe they are able to achieve fulfillment and happiness. Women who survive the challenge of being alone after a broken marriage embrace peace because there is always hope.

I no longer read a fairy tale book or hug it in bed. I spent most of my time seizing opportunities that comes my way. I have grown strong over the years, forgetting, that I was once a "little princess" in my parents eyes.

My world is entirely different now. I believe women should not be repressed in reality or in fiction. Women should be protected from any violence and live in safe and secured environment . Their dignity should be valued and their rights should be respected.

We can't ask the world to be gentle to us, instead let's love ourselves and be strong to face challenges that lie ahead. We should plan, learn and work for our future because life is not a fairy tale, happiness isn't waiting in the end. It's in you.

Discover it. Nourish it. Celebrate being a woman. Enjoy being you.